Lyrics everyday is a day of thanksgiving

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Song by Dr. Charles G. Hayes & The Cosmopolitan Church of Prayer

Lyrics everyday is a day of thanksgiving

Everyday is a day of thanksgiving
God’s been so good to me
Everyday He’s blessing me
Everyday is a day of thanksgiving
Take the time to glorify the Lord today
Everyday is a day of thanksgiving

God’s been so good to me
Everyday He’s blessing me
Everyday is a day of thanksgiving
Take the time to glorify the Lord today
He keeps blessing me, blessing me
He opens my eyes that I might see
He keeps blessing me, blessing me
Blessing me
Take the time to glorify the Lord today
He keeps blessing me, blessing me
He opens my eyes that I might see
He’s blessing me
Blessing me, blessing me
Take the time to glorify the Lord today
Everyday is a day of thanksgiving
God’s been so good to me
Everyday He’s blessing me
Everyday is a day of thanksgiving
Take the time to glorify the Lord
Take the time to glorify the Lord
Take the time to glorify the Lord today
He’s blessing prayer
Blessing prayer
Blessing me
He’s blessing prayer
Blessing prayer
Blessing me
He’s blessing prayer
Blessing prayer uh
Blessing me
He’s blessing prayer
Blessing prayer uh
Blessing me
Everyday He gives everything
Blessing me
Blessing me
Everyday He gives everything
Blessing me
Blessing me
Everyday He gives everything
Blessing me uh
Blessing me
Everyday He gives everything
Blessing me uh
Blessing me
Take the time to glorify the Lord today
Take the time to glorify the Lord
Take the time to glorify the Lord tod

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